[newb] Will xorg still allow non-hal config?

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Mon Dec 1 05:21:39 PST 2008

Le Lun 1 décembre 2008 14:10, Alan Cox a écrit :

> All non issues.
> In case you've not noticed every time you use a vectorised font you
> turn
> it into a bitmap to suit a changing variety of hardware and encodings.

In case you've not noticed the so-called kernel console userspace is
totally unable right now to turn standard vectorised fonts into
bitmaps suiting a changing variety of hardware and encodings, and
relies on manually pre-processed bitmap fonts precious few people
maintain and adapt to environment changes.

The day it gains parity with xorg on this front, I totally agree with
you there would not be any problem maintenance-side.

Nicolas Mailhot

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