PCI rework

Egbert Eich eich at suse.de
Fri May 5 07:13:53 PDT 2006

Jesse Barnes writes:
 > Oh, I see you must be talking about the xf86(Read|Write)Mmio* 
 > routines... do we really need those anymore?  Looks like BSD on Alpha 
 > might use them, but are there any platforms that we care about that 
 > need them?  If they're really necessary they could be added to 
 > libpciaccess (though preferably w/o the silly extra layer of 
 > indirection that MMIO_IN* -> xf86ReadMmio* have).

Yeah, these were used for Alpha as this platform only allowed to
address memory in double word chunks. (at least everything up
to EV56).
This creates an additional problem for the memory mapping routine.
It may not matter if you leave these out for now. The drivers
should use macros for memory accesses that are not 32bit. 
Anything like this can be dealt with macros and os/platform specific
I will look at it when I get back from LinuxTag and the OSDL


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