Seeking help with xkbcomp

wettstae at wettstae at
Thu Apr 24 09:58:26 PDT 2014

> normal = equal
> shift = plus
> Right-Alt = multiply
> Shift-Right-Alt = division
> Control-Right-Alt = U2339

One way to achieve it is this:

    key <AE12> {
        type[Group1] = "LOCAL_EIGHT_LEVEL",
        symbols[Group1]= [ equal, plus, multiply, division, equal, plus, U2339, division ]

but then you also have to make your right Alt key a ISO_Level3_Shift,
and you will not be able use Control as a real Control key together with
AE12; it will be a level-selection key only (except for application with
poor XKB support).

Another way is this:

    key <AE12> {
        type[Group1] = "TWO_LEVEL",
        type[Group2] = "LOCAL_EIGHT_LEVEL",
        symbols[Group1]= [ equal, plus ],
        symbols[Group2]= [ multiply, division, NoSymbol, NoSymbol,  U2339, NoSymbol, NoSymbol, NoSymbol ]

which allows you to leave your right Alt key as is (Mode_switch), and
allows Control to be used normally unless it is used together with the
right Alt key.  It also has the advantage that for clients that are not
XKB-aware, all symbols except U2339 remain accessible. I guess this is
the easiest way for you.

I would probably use

    key <AE12> {
        type[Group1] = "EIGHT_LEVEL",
        symbols[Group1]= [ equal, plus, multiply, division, equal, plus, U2339, division ]

and make the right Alt key an ISO_Level3_Shift and some other key an
ISO_Level5_Shift.  It has the advantage that Control is not used for
level selection and, therefore, least trouble with applications are to
be expected.


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