how exactly does X11 work with virtual terminals?

James Strother jstrother9109 at
Mon Dec 19 14:20:05 PST 2011


I posted to this list a few days ago, and received enough help that I
was able to push through to the next problem (thanks again).

Briefly, I would like to have two separate monitors connected to the
same machine, each running from a separate graphics card and a
separate instance of Xorg. The reason for running two instances
rather than using xinerama is to prevent actions on the first screen
from causing random dropped frames on the second (this for use
in a computer vision application, where dropped frames require
the entire sequence to be failed and repeated).

So far, I have created two xorg.conf files, each specifies the
appropriate BusID field, and uses the SingleCard option in
the ServerLayout section.  All this works fine, and the two
instances fire up and run perfectly.  The problem is that they are
run on two different linux virtual terminals, so they do not display
simultaneously.  I can switch back and forth between the virtual
terminals and each displays on the appropriate monitors, but I
can't get them to run simultaneously on both monitors because
I can only be in one virtual terminal at a time.

Quite honestly, I have only a basic understanding for what the
virtual terminals are and how they work, so I am baffled as to
how I would resolve this issue. Does Xorg really need a virtual
terminal, or can I start it without one? Is there another way to
sort this out?

Any help would be very much appreciated.


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