Send KeyPress/KeyRelease event to window

Andre Couturier ac at
Fri Mar 5 00:00:10 PST 2010


I try to send a key event to a window with input fields, I use the code
example from and change
the InputFocus oft the window handle. But my code only works if the
destination window is the one with focus. It this possible?


xkp.type                = KeyPress;

xkp.xkey.type           = KeyPress;

xkp.xkey.display        = display;

xkp.xkey.serial         = 0L;

xkp.xkey.send_event     = True;

xkp.xkey.display        = display;

xkp.xkey.x = xkp.xkey.y = xkp.xkey.x_root = xkp.xkey.y_root = 0;

xkp.xkey.time           = get_time();

xkp.xkey.same_screen    = True;

xkp.xkey.subwindow      = None;

xkp.xkey.window         = twin;

xkp.xkey.root           = DefaultRootWindow(display);

xkp.xkey.keycode        = XKeysymToKeycode(display, keysym);



xkp.xkey.state          = (f_shift ? ShiftMask : 0) |

                       (f_control ? ControlMask : 0) |

                       (f_alt ? Mod1Mask : 0);

XSendEvent(display, twin, True, KeyPressMask, (XEvent *)&xkp);

xkp.xkey.type          = KeyRelease;

xkp.xkey.time          = get_time();

XSendEvent(display, twin, True, KeyReleaseMask, (XEvent *)&xkp);


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