X.Org Foundation Board of Directors 2010 Election

Barton C Massey bart at cs.pdx.edu
Wed Feb 10 15:22:12 PST 2010

In message <20100210173132.GB3488 at skynet.be> you wrote:
> This is what the bylaws state: "The Board shall keep
> minutes of its meetings in which shall be recorded all
> action taken by it, and at least a summary thereof shall
> be submitted to the Members at least annually."  [1]

I have submitted an annual State of the Organization report
during each of the last several years, most recently in
January 2009.  My apologies that my 2010 report is a bit
late.  The report does not contain a complete record of all
actions taken. However to the best of my knowledge no
important information was omitted.  I believe this report
constitutes a summary according to the intent of the bylaws.

I also have meeting transcripts from each meeting starting
with when we first began meeting on IRC.  I haven't taken
the time to turn these into published minutes, and I am
uncomfortable in publishing most of them raw since some
personal statements were made with an expectation of
privacy.  However, we recently moved to open our meetings.
I can easily make transcripts from that point forward
available if the Board so directs.

Given time, I can also turn transcripts into proper minutes,
going as far back as is desired.  However, I am incredibly
swamped right now, so it will be a while.  Alternatively, we
could designate someone else on the Board or an agent of the
Board to tackle this task.

I am sorry that you feel that you have insufficient insight
into the operations of the X.Org Foundation.  Please feel
free to contact me or any other Board Member at any time if
you want further information.

    Bart Massey
    Secretary, X.Org Foundation
    bart at cs.pdx.edu

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