xkb - separate layout for each window

Andrei Zaparii zappa at yandex-team.ru
Fri Nov 13 05:13:42 PST 2009

Peter Hutterer wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 01:19:09PM +0100, Lukas Hejtmanek wrote:
>> is there a way how to setup separate layout of keyboard for each window?
>> Similar thing does gnome or some other desktops environments but I would like
>> to setup this using setxkbmap or xorg.conf/hal. Is there a way?
> no.
> the xkb map is actually kept in the client, in order to do what you propose
> you'd have to send mapping notify events with each enter/leave event and let
> the client refresh the keymap if necessary. Possible, but then you need to
> define what a "window" is. 
While above is correct, there is an application, that serves your 
original needs. It is called xxkb. It is poorly maintained, but included 
in many distros. It has bug, or rather incompatibility with recent xlib. 
This incompatibility prevents it from placing icons specifying current 
language on windows. Otherwise it works perfectly. It identifies the 
scope of what should be count as "window" by associated resourses.

There may be alternatives. For instance, in modern gnome installations 
there is an option to support requested behaviour.

Andrei Zaparii

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