Hardware accelaration of DRAWABLE_WINDOW's in kdrive

yogishkulkarni yogish.kulkarni at azingo.com
Wed Jan 28 01:24:20 PST 2009

Can drawable of type  DRAWABLE_WINDOW get hardware accelerated from
kaaCopyNtoN function of kdrive ?

At the start of kaaCopyNtoN function there is a if check for
pSrcDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP, so in case of WINDOW it will fail
to enter inside this if condition and hence will not go through the
logic that will bring it to offscreen buffer for hardware acceleration. 

As per my understanding, kdrive allocates both PIXMAP's and WINDOWs in
system memory, then depending on there hits, score is increased. When
score equals to certain threshold they are move into the Offscreen
buffer. This holds true for PIXMAP's but I couldn't understood which
part of kdrive code moves WINDOW's allocated in system memory to
offscreen memory.

Yogish Kulkarni

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