[ANNOUNCE] xf86-video-intel

Tino Keitel tino.keitel+xorg at tikei.de
Fri Jan 16 00:28:59 PST 2009

On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 09:56:19 +0200, Vasily Khoruzhick wrote:
> On Friday 16 January 2009 05:20:17 Giovanni Masucci wrote:
> > If I can ask, are these 6 patches going to enter the next 2.6.28.x 
> > releases or they'll just be in 2.6.29?
> Just out of curiosity, does anybody got this driver working stable and fast on 
> gma950 on 2.6.28 kernel (with these 6 patches)?
> I've just tried xf86-video-2.6.0, xorg-server- and mesa-7.3_rc2,
> still got artefacts with uxa (same as on 
> http://fenix-fen.at.tut.by/screen-3.png) and xserver hangs (and no way to 
> stop it except restarting whole system) after using 3d for ~2-3 mins (with 
> wine even faster :))

I used mesa from the intel-2008-q4 branch, Xserver 1.5.3, the drm-intel
2.6.28 kernel and a libdrm from git somewhere after 2.4.3.

I have slow 3D which looks like software rendering in googlemaps,
quake3 and neverball, and glxgears also doesn't look that smooth.  But
glxinfo reports "direct rendering".

> With EXA (and DRI1) I got message like "No MTTR for 0xc0000000" in dmesg every 

I didn't see that with the drm-intel kernel.

> time when xserver starts, and 3D performance is terrible (7-10fps in Quake3)

glxgears shows a black screen with some sproradic coloured artifacts. I
tried to use other 3D apps with EXA (neverball, quake3) but they froze
the Xserver.


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