Intel/G45/1080 tearing

Anthony aaroboneml at
Wed Jan 14 16:29:54 PST 2009

On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 3:48 PM, Anthony <aaroboneml at> wrote:

> the only other thing that I can try would be the mesa intel-2008-q4
> branch.  Would this be any different from the mesa master branch?

Just wanted to say I tried the mesa intel-2008-q4 branch and it didn't
help.  Tearing is still the same as before.  So now I'm using the complete
recommended setup by intel for the driver.  Overall its working
great, 3D works, xcompmgr works, VT switching works (but not with xcompmgr),
and everything feels snappy too (although I haven't run any 3D apps but
glxgears)  The only thing that I'm having trouble with is the 1080 tearing
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