Is xorg-server-1.7.3 necessary to modify to suit FreeBSD?

Sagara Wijetunga sagara at
Wed Dec 23 01:28:52 PST 2009

Alan Coopersmith wrote:
> Sagara Wijetunga wrote:
>> Xorg -config
>> Console goes blank and does not respond but system functions well.
> That's what happens when you run Xorg with no apps - the screen is
> filled with black and the cursor made invisible until you give it
> something to draw.
> Run startx to get some apps with it, or add the -retro flag if you
> want the reassurance of the old grey weave on your empty client-less
> screen.
Thanks for the info.

Following now shows a grey colour window with X-like cursor:
Xorg -retro -config

Following shows a graphical clock on white colour background with green 
colour title:
install -v -m644 ~/ /etc/X11/xorg.conf

 cat > ~/.xinitrc << "EOF"
# Begin .xinitrc file
xclock -g 100x100-0+0 &


Currently the HAL does not run, I'll compile and reinstall those that 
are depend on Xorg and let the list know the outcome.


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