A couple of problem with xorg-server 1.7.3

Didier Spaier didier.spaier at epsm.fr
Fri Dec 11 14:15:27 PST 2009

Gregoire Gentil wrote:

> After some investigations, I have fixed a few stupid things, and the
> situation has improved. Nevertheless, I discovered that the whole hal
> discovery creates a lot of delay. Taking into account that i have fixes
> input devices (touchpad / keyboard on USB, touchscreen on I2C), how can
> I disable the hal discovery and hard-code the three input that I have?
> Would the following xorg.conf make sense? I'm still confused by
> "AutoAddDevices" and "AllowEmptyInput".
I simply configure xorg-server with --disable-config-hal option, then no need for "AutoAddDevices" and "AllowEmptyInput" in xorg.conf



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