Mouse release event posted out of order
Aaron Johnson
ajohnsonspambox at
Tue Dec 1 20:42:23 PST 2009
This is on Ubuntu 9.10 on a Dell Inspiron 8200 laptop. The laptop has a
track point (thinkpad style) with two mouse buttons below the keyboard
and a touchpad with two more buttons below it.
The problem is that at times when clicking the left mouse button
normally, it seems to get stuck in a pressed state causing inadvertent
dragging, scrolling, highlighting depending on where the pointer is at
the time. It can be resolved by moving the pointer with the touchpad,
causing the ButtonRelease event. The problem doesn't happen every time,
but is very common that I can usually reproduce it in xev within a few
mouse clicks. It seems to be worse with high CPU activity. Attached is
output from xev (leading and trailing events removed). What I did was
click the left button (pressed and released, but no release event
shows), then moved the track point stick, causing the MotionNotify
events, then touched/moved the pointer from the touch pad, causing the
ButtonRelease event. Notice the press/release events are separated by a
large time, so either something in the driver is causing the release
event to be posted, or somehow it is being posted out of order.
I looked both xorg's bug DB and mailing list archives but couldn't find
anything obviously similar (different grab problems, xinerama related
things, etc). I've reproduced this in both Ubuntu 9.10 and Fedora 12.
I previously had Ubuntu 9.04 installed and never had this problem. I
can reproduce the problem with or without the nvidia drivers, and with
or without specific server layout in xorg (see commented out section in
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