TRANSLATE macro from TMKey.c

Ihor Hayvuk ihayvuk at
Mon Oct 6 07:48:45 PDT 2008


I have a question about _XtMatchStandardMods() ( test-case is simple 
motif-based program ).

It seems like TRANSLATE macro from _XtMatchStandardMods() is using some 
sort of caching for entered keys. So, keycode is translated only once, 
in my case with XmTranslate(), Xt is calling 
(*pd->defaultKeycodeTranslator)() from XtTranslateKeycode.  After that 
XmTranslate() won't be called, instead cached value from keycache 
returned. In case with keypad keys I can't get both KP_4 and KP_Left 
delivered to my program, program is receiving only first entered value.

I was wondering is this an issue or I'm missing something?

Thanks in advance.

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