Xephyr + DRI

Yan Seiner yan at seiner.com
Thu Dec 4 09:31:41 PST 2008

On Thu, December 4, 2008 8:39 am, Julien Cristau wrote:
> On Thu, Dec  4, 2008 at 07:44:40 -0800, Yan Seiner wrote:
>> Before I go off on a wild goose chase, is DRI possible with Xephyr?   I
>> am using 1.5.3 from Debian experimental.
> I disabled it in our 1.5.1 packages, because it didn't seem to work when
> I tried it anyway (bug#16955).  If it works for other people it's easy
> to reenable...

After reading that bug, is there some runtime setting that I can use as a
workaround (provided, of course, that DRI is enabled in the first place?)

I'd like to do some experimenting with DRI/GLX/VDPAU....


  ,>/'_          o__
  (_)\(_)        ,>/'_        o__
Yan Seiner      (_)\(_)       ,>/'_     o__
       Personal Trainer      (_)\(_)    ,>/'_        o__
             Professional Engineer     (_)\(_)       ,>/'_
Who says engineers have to be pencil necked geeks?  (_)\(_)

You are an adult when you realize that everyone's an idiot sometimes. You
are wise when you include yourself.

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