intel 950GMA , on <back|track2

brigante brigante00 at
Tue Sep 4 02:09:53 PDT 2007

hello to all…

I'm brigante , Carlo brigante , and i'm Italian… therefore you pardon me 
if I do not write perfectly in English… ok? …: D

I have a small problem, I have tried to obtain the resolution 
1440x900 at 60/75 with mine <back|track2 but not there are successful, the 
drive that I have installed and testing are:

1) 'xserver-xorg-video-intel' (same the drive that it uses on ubuntu and 
that I use then) on '*.deb' converted in '*.lzm' for backtrack, that 
uses the modules for the 'Slax6'.
2) 'xf86-xorg-video'….that is the drive that 'slackware' uses, but also 
this does not change the resolution to me.

hour I have one card video of the intel, the 950GMA….and my operating 
system where I do not succeed in setting the resolution to X, is the 

someone of you, can help me please?
my mail is:

<brigante00 at>
hi to all, and very-very-very thanx!!!

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