Why does the Xorg server reset the output when last client disconnects?

Barry Scott barry.scott at onelan.co.uk
Wed May 2 08:07:50 PDT 2007

Stuart Kreitman wrote:
> Barry Scott wrote:
>> Michel Dänzer wrote:
>>> On Wed, 2007-05-02 at 10:58 +0100, Barry Scott wrote:
>>>> I'm wondering if it is reasonable to prevent the server from doing 
>>>> the reset
>>>> when the last client disconnects?
>>> Try it for yourself:
>>> Xorg -noreset
>> Thanks I've added to my X service startup.
>> But I'd still like to know why the reset is there at all?
> 21 years ago, it was effective in covering up memory leaks and other 
> crud giving the
> appearance of great uptime.
> Stuart K
I suspected something like this. I'll sleep happy that -noreset is safe 
to use.

Is there any reason why Xorg should not have noreset as the default now that
the memory leaks etc are a thing of the past?


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