Intel drivers on a default Ubuntu (7.04) install?

Chad masterclc at
Fri Jun 29 22:12:35 PDT 2007


I'm looking for a straw to grasp here.  I am (continually) interested
in Intel as a media-base.  The fact that they have open source
development is definitely what drives my interest.  But sometimes I
get lost in the various chips and drivers.  So, please bare with me, I
did search my archives before posting this message; if it's in some
blatently obvious place, feel free to point me there :)

Specifically, my question is:
If I have an i915 chipset on a motherboard, do I use the i810 driver
or something newer (which from what I gather is either called i915 or
possibly just 'intel')?  And, although a direct answer would be really
nice, how can I tell?

More broadly asked:
How do I know what driver to use with any given chipset, and is there
a way to tell which distro uses which driver (by default)?

It seems that there is conflicting info out there about what Ubuntu
(specifically the 7.04 release) uses, some people gripe about a
crippled i810 driver (on their i915 chipset) and others claim that if
they install the i915resolution package it "clears up" any problems,
but continues to use the i810 driver...

Thank you!


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