i810 modesetting and external VGA, not working

Eric Anholt eric at anholt.net
Wed Jan 3 10:12:54 PST 2007

On Wed, 2007-01-03 at 10:17 +0000, Ross Burton wrote:
> Hi,
> Last night I finally managed to compile xserver from git (the
> randr-12-server-12 branch) and tried it with my external display.  
> $ xrandr 
> Screen 0: minimum 640 x 480, current 1024 x 768, maximum 1024 x 768
> default connected 1024x768+0+0 0mm x 0mm
>    1024x768       50.0*    60.0     40.0  
>    800x600        60.0  
>    640x480        60.0  

This output looks like you have a driver that wasn't rebuilt against the
new randr protocol, I think.

> Note that I'm missing the physical sizes.  Before switching to the
> xserver 7.2 the sizes were present, but scaled due to the panning mode.
> I then plugged in my external monitor via VGA cable (Dell 20" widescreen
> TFT), and ran xrandr --auto.   Nothing interesting happens.
> I've attached a xorg.log snippet from when I enter xrandr --auto, where
> it scans the monitor.  It appears to detect the external monitor, but
> throw away all of the modes it supports.
> Is this a bug in randr when running with a 1024x768 LFP and scanning a
> 1400x1050 external display, or am I doing something stupid?

Eric Anholt                             anholt at FreeBSD.org
eric at anholt.net                         eric.anholt at intel.com
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