3d hardware acceleration in 945GM chipset - is there any?

Dan Naughton daniel.naughton at gmail.com
Mon Dec 17 09:51:49 PST 2007

Does the intel 945GM chipset and driver provide 3D hardware acceleration.
The program I use to test in (this dungeon shoot'em up game tremulous)
complains that there is no hardware acceleration.  Does it need to be
enabled in the xorg.conf or is it always enabled in the intel driver.    The
documentation only mentions 3D in the 965, nothing about the 945.  I shutoff
all the dual head stuff I was running and am using the VGA output on the

The man page for the i810 driver states that acceleration (I'm assuming
that's hardware acceleration) is enabled by default.  I see DRI enabled in
the log files, but I don't know if enabling DRI and enabling hardware
acceleration are the same thing
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