Looking for XRender examples

Clemens Eisserer linuxhippy at gmail.com
Thu Dec 6 12:06:17 PST 2007

Hello Helge,

> I have several sample programs and quite a bit of documentation about Xrender,
> its model and how to use it written up for my students (mostly in german
> though); if you are interested I can collect and tidy them up (when I asked
> last time on this mailing list there was zero interest apparently)
That would be exactly what I was seraching for, perfect. By the way I
am from Austria so german documentation would be awesome :)

> Actually "simple" text rendering without Xft isn't that bad, for example:
>   http://www.chaoticmind.net/~hcb/xrender/rendertext.c
> uses just freetype and Xrender and is as minimal as it gets (unless you want
> to provide your own glyph shapes, in which case you can also ditch freetype);
> maybe this suits your purpose
Great! It does exactly what I searched for. Thanks :)

Thanks a lot, lg Clemens

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