Looking for XRender examples

Helge Bahmann hcb at chaoticmind.net
Thu Dec 6 11:40:43 PST 2007

Hello and sorry for tuning in late...

I have several sample programs and quite a bit of documentation about Xrender, 
its model and how to use it written up for my students (mostly in german 
though); if you are interested I can collect and tidy them up (when I asked 
last time on this mailing list there was zero interest apparently)

> Thanks again for all the suggestions, I know cairo would make my life
> much easier but I guess the software-project I plan to work on is
> afraid of any additional dependency...
> I am most afraid of the text-stuff - is Xt present by default on
> systems which have Xorg installed ... I don't know if there's
> something like "core X libraries" - but if yes - does Xt belong to
> that "group"?

Actually "simple" text rendering without Xft isn't that bad, for example:


uses just freetype and Xrender and is as minimal as it gets (unless you want 
to provide your own glyph shapes, in which case you can also ditch freetype); 
maybe this suits your purpose

Best regards,
Helge Bahmann

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