setxkbmap program and rule files

Daniel Stone daniel at
Thu May 18 00:45:43 PDT 2006

On Wed, May 17, 2006 at 09:28:53PM +0000, Aleksej Struk wrote:
> The main thing, that I noticed, when I compiled it on my own, that it does
> not work, and fail to set model-layout-variant. It reported me and error,
> that it cannot find a rules file "xorg". However, this was not the main
> problem. After adjusting the source a little bit by directly pointing
> a rules file (/usr/lib/X11/xkb/rules/xorg) this error disappeared. This
> path is taken from the setxkbmap's man page.
> [...]
> The most mistirious fact for me, that first two atom in symbols (between
> + signs) are prepended with the "pc/". The setxkbmap installed from the
> packege do not prepend them with "pc/". So, I started to incestigate
> why the package version of the program behaves correctly.
> Finaly, I found, that it used rules file via the following path :
> /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules

You have two completely different datasets, in two different locations,
and it appears you have half of your stuff using one, and half using
the other.  This will always fail.

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