rpath used in some libraries but not others

Jeremy C. Reed reed at reedmedia.net
Tue Feb 28 12:01:09 PST 2006

As a further example:

  NEEDED      libX11.so.6
  NEEDED      libXext.so.6
  NEEDED      libc.so.6
  SONAME      libXfontcache.so.1
  RPATH       /usr/lib/gcc34:/usr/lib


  NEEDED      libX11.so.6
  NEEDED      libXext.so.6
  NEEDED      libc.so.6
  SONAME      libXevie.so.1
  RPATH       /home/reed/xorg/lib:/usr/lib/gcc34:/usr/lib

Notice the shared library runtime paths as shown above.

Again the problem is that some libraries do not know where the shared 
libraries are that they need. For example, Xorg doesn't work because 
libXfont.so.1 can't find libfontenc.so.1.

 Jeremy C. Reed

 	  	 	 technical support & remote administration

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