XGL and Compiz drawing bug

Anders Storsveen wakko at generation.no
Fri Feb 24 12:12:41 PST 2006

I have found a drawing bug, apparently, when you click on an app in the
taskbar, it allocates the size as the maximized window, and I'm no
expert here, and the desktop is no redrawn (because there is something
covering it) and the only thing drawing there is the window that is
sizing up. Here is where the logical error lies, it's not neccesarily
true that only the maximizing window is drawing. A good example is that
if you use the minimize all windows button and then unminimize. If one
of the windows covers all the desktop and a smaller window is resizing,
you will get a trail of the smaller one on the desktop if it's faster to
resize than the big window. I haven't seen the code for this, but I
guess a fix for it could be while resizing, think of the desktop as
visible and redraw it when damaged.

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