Keygrabbing not working for some keysyms (correction)

Ray Strode halfline at
Thu Feb 2 22:54:09 PST 2006


> I'm a little confused here. The XKB mapping data only deals with the
> mapping of keycode to keysymbol. (*) The original problem (was there
> a regression here?) was that the wrong keycodes were being generated,
> which had to be fixed at the driver layer. (**)
So I don't really understand how this works, but I think what's going
on (and I could very well be wrong) is the broken symbols/pc/pc file
assigns two keysyms to the printscreen keycode and then the same two
keysyms to the system request keycode.  Then if an app calls
XKeysymToKeycode on one of the keysyms it just returns the keycode
with the lowest value, which is SysRq (i think I remember reading it
returning the lowest keycode anyway)


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