glib dependency for the X Server

Xavier Bestel xavier.bestel at
Mon Apr 3 22:27:28 PDT 2006

Le mardi 04 avril 2006 à 09:03 +0900, Carsten Haitzler a écrit :
> On linux with the default over committing
> > behavior enabled the error checking code is pretty worthless too,
> > because the kernel will just kill programs randomly on Out of memory
> > instead of return NULL from a malloc.
> the difference is that you should at least TRY to do the right thing.
> overcommitting is optional and can be turned off in the kernel
> trivially. (echo
> 2 > /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory). 

The problem is that nobody uses that on their desktop, unless they are
pretty aware of linux's internals. So you can pretty much say
running_on_linux == program_killed_on_OOM.


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