Deprecated components

Alan Coopersmith Alan.Coopersmith at Sun.COM
Sun May 8 15:50:16 PDT 2005

Since we've come to consensus on DPS, I stuck a note on its impending
demise in the Release Notes for the next release, so there's no argument
over us not making our intentions clear.

I created a new section to list all deprecated and/or to-be-removed
components, but so far DPS is the only one there.   What else should
be listed?

Off the top of my head:

   - Xsun - deprecated, not built by default in 6.8 & later, to be removed
	 in 7.0?

   - cfb* - deprecated, but not yet planned for removal?

Anything else that people should be warned is not to be counted on for the

The 6.7 tree introduced a bunch of #ifdef's to allow building under either
the XFree86 or Xorg names to allow a smoother transition for distros that
had too much hardcoded on XFree86 names - should that now be deprecated or
are we going to transform it into autoconf flags (--with-server-name=XFree86 ?)

	-Alan Coopersmith-           alan.coopersmith at
	 Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering

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