Who is stomping PCI config space?

Zoltan Boszormenyi zboszor at dunaweb.hu
Thu Mar 3 14:08:44 PST 2005

Jon Smirl írta:
> Somebody is changing PCI command from 83 to 80 and disabling my
> radeon's memory and iospace. Who is doing this? It has to be X since
> it doesn't happen if I switch to VT6 or VT8.
> Why is X mucking with a card it doesn't have a driver loaded for? 
> Where is this happening in the X code?

Hm. Someone other than a Linux-ruby user finally complaining. :-)
Try patching XFree or XOrg with the proper patch


for XFree, or


for XOrg, it's applicable for XOrg-6.8.x, too.

Then add
          Option         "SingleCard" "on"
to your Section "ServerLayout".

Best regards,
Zoltán Böszörményi

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