The XFree86-Rush extension

Mike A. Harris mharris at
Thu Feb 17 02:15:26 PST 2005

Alan Cox wrote:
> On Maw, 2005-01-25 at 20:01, Adam Jackson wrote:
>>I'd be curious to know if the voodoo driver can handle these cards at least 
>>for the 2d case.
> It should be able to drive the 3D component as a 2D engine. You wouldn't
> however want to do that because the 2D component can do 2D acceleration
> and higher resolutions.
> The rush is effectively a 2D and 3D combo card with the 3D engine acting
> as a sort of coprocessor running Glide. The Rush extension is there to
> allow Glide apps to run with these cards and 2D X11 (its kind of
> pre-pre-pre DRI ;))

Sounds safe to remove it for X11R7 then.  ;o)

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