Security question?

Alan Cox alan at
Thu Nov 4 02:53:23 PST 2004

On Iau, 2004-11-04 at 03:11, Jim Gettys wrote:
> Not to mention the fact that Unix domain sockets on Linux are really,
> *really* fast; performance data of that age is in general suspect; it is
> several major releases old (at least).  And Futexes are indeed a new
> very interesting possibility.

It would suprise me greatly to see much difference. All your real cost
should be "put bits in cache" "context switch". That comes down to the
efficiency of message sizes and write batching.

> work on X is now *very* stale in general; we have better facilities
> than select/poll these days as well (and a typical X server now
> has many more connections open; 25 as I compose this message).

We have epoll() but I've seen no evidence it makes any difference at
such a low connection count. OTOH at 1000 connections (eg big irc
servers) its very visible. I believe the BSD folks have a similar
interface to epoll for event based waits


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