ChangeLogging commits to CVS

Mathieu Lacage mathieu_lacage at
Tue Dec 14 05:22:48 PST 2004

On Tue, 2004-12-14 at 12:52 +0000, Keith Whitwell wrote:
> How frequently do we see non-serializable commits on Xorg?  Does this really 
> happen?  Do developers in practice commit simultaneously to overlapping sets 
> of files in such a way that the changes become interleaved?  Would it matter 
> (from the perspective of the ChangeLog) if they did?
> Acutally, by including the ChangeLog file in every commit, you guarantee a 
> strong serialization of changes across the repository, I think.

You can see overlapping commits occasionally on even
though all cvs modules follow the ChangeLog file/commit message rule. I
doubt many people would be happy to rely on inherently fragile solutions
such as the server commit scripts to build the ChangeLog incrementally.

I like to think of myself as a programmer who understands why his
threaded code works. I would be really ashamed to write/use parallel
code which is known to break and the cvs commit scripts are exactly


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