Volunteer needed (updating AUTHORS etc.)

Dave Airlie airlied at gmail.com
Fri Sep 23 20:09:48 PDT 2005

>     - Who wrote the code originally? List those people and companies in
> the AUTHORS file
>     - Who owns the copyright, and what license is the code under? Put
> this information
>       in the COPYING file.
>     - Is there a README (or similar) file? If so, symlink it over by
> editing the
>       util/modular/symlink.sh scrip. If not, write a brief README file
> about what the
>       module does.
>     - Is there a ChangeLog that applies to the module specifically? If
> so, make sure it is
>       symlinked over.

I'm just wondering do we really need to do all of this, why have the
AUTHORS in a separate file? their names are hopefully in the code as
the MIT license usually would require it..  I'm not sure the effort
gains you anything, most of the AUTHORS are uncontactable in a lot of
cases moved on from X development .. Just put
xorg at lists.freedesktop.org in all of them.. or have make dist do
something to generate it... then let people who care about a component
change theirs...

Also I'm sure the INSTALL file for most X.org compoents can be nearly
completely generic...

./configure ; make ; make install
read ./configure --help for any options to pass to configure.

READMEs might be useful just to have some idea what a component actually is.

COPYING is a bit more difficult, its not going to be like the GPL, due
to the fact that the MIT license has the authors named embedded in it
in a lot of cases, and I'm also unsure how the copyright for changes
to such an MIT licensed file lies.. in theory with MIT there should be
a single MIT decleration per author or one that covers all authors
(there is a mixture in X.org I think...)

That said I'd be willing to do some of this work, its perfect tv
vegging work when my brain can't stand looking at code any more :-)


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