Capitals in directory names

Soeren Sandmann sandmann at
Mon Jun 13 12:36:55 PDT 2005

Daniel Stone wrote:

>>>Unless anyone objects, I'm going to move all the CVS modules to use
>>>lower-case directory names in about 72 hours, as this seemed to be the
>>>consensus from our discussion about it.
>>I don't remember any discussion ... Anyway, my thoughts on that subject 
>>is that
>>if we do this, we we should come up with a real naming convention, ie., 
>>a set
>>of trivial mappings between directory names/library names/symbol names etc.
>That's one thing that Stefan raised in private mail.  I think a simple
>lower("lib/%s", libname) mapping (e.g. libXinerama -> lib/xinerama)
>should be sufficient.
I am not sure it is. It would be useful if we could specify trivial 
stuff like

    - Do the modules start with an X, and if yes, is it in upper or 
lower case?

    - Is the first letter after the X capitalized?

    - What is the mapping between the proto module and the library module
      (eg., PanoramiX/Xinerama brain damage).
    - etc.

Getting this specified now will allow us at a later point to fix all the 
and header files, and then add a module "xcompatibility" that would 
include stub
libraries and header files with the old symbols and names. This module would
depend on all the "new" libraries.

This way new code can get predictable names for the headers and properly
namespaced symbols, while not breaking compatibility for old code. Much 
distributors will be able to deprecate and eventually drop the 

All this may not be worth doing, but if you are going to be doing CVS 
anyway, I think it's at least worth not ruling it out.


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