Xv performance and quality issues at 1920x1080/60 resolution

Jason Keirstead jason at keirstead.org
Tue Sep 16 07:15:49 PDT 2008

> The DRM mechanism isn't really suitable for XVideo. The client doesn't
> know which CRTC to synchronize to, and even if it happens to pick the
> right one, the latency between waiting for vblank and actually
> displaying the new video frame (with X11 protocol dispatch etc. in
> between) may just be too high to avoid tearing.

OK - I was just going by their docs :) So, would you suggest I enable
or disable this setting? Sounds like it might be hurting more than

I will try enabling and disabling Option "DMAForXv" tonight and see if
that helps as well.

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in
practice, there is.

- Jan L.A. van de Snepscheut

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