ati driver falling back to software

Ray Van Dolson rayvd at
Wed Jun 18 19:30:02 PDT 2008

> > The xfwm4 compositor is *disabled*.  I have just tried it with only one
> > screen attached and the virtual screen size set to 1600x1200.  I no
> > longer see the R300CheckComposite errors in my Xorg logfile and XFCE
> > Terminal resize is *definitely* better.  xchat resize seems about the
> > same though (aka pretty bad), even though I don't see any errors at all
> > in the Xorg logfile.
> It's probably falling back somewhere else then. You can try rebuilding
> xserver with DEBUG_TRACE_FALL defined to 1 in exa/exa_priv.h, though
> that may generate a lot of debugging output.
> BTW, Option "AccelDFS" may alleviate the migration overhead for
> fallbacks somewhat.
> > An oprofile run resizing xchat for about 20 seconds still shows a lot
> > of calls to memcpy (being called by exaCopyDirty):
> Thanks for the data, but I have to admit I can't make sense of oprofile
> callgraphs. Can you provide data from sysprof or at least opreport
> -gdf / op2calltree?

Alright, I've modified my Xorg config file to use AccelDFS and rebuilt
Xorg with DEBUG_TRACE_FALL set.  In addition I also re-ran a profile
using sysprof.  Output of everything can be found here:

The Xorg logfile does contain information from me doing things other
than just resizing xchat, but the profile output is just from a
continual resize of xchat.

Let me know if you need me to refine my actions during any of the
testing to limit the output somewhat.

Thanks again!

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