Announce: Xnest ported to XCB

Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult info at
Fri Aug 23 12:44:20 UTC 2024

Hello friends,

I've finally ported Xnest to XCB, thus getting rid of dependency on
legacy libX11 :)

Amonst the benefits of this modernization is that funky hacks for
getting around name clashes and size mismatches between Xlib and
Xserver also history now. But it also makes it a lot easier working
on the upcoming features, eg. multi-target support (DMX replacement),
rootless support, DRI3, etc.

merge request:

git branch:

Unfortunately it depends on a bugfix in xcbproto that still hasn't
landed yet, so those who wanna try it will need to apply a patch to
xcbproto and rebuild both and libxcb first:

Since we still haven't fonud an agreement on when to do the next Xorg
release, I'm considering making independent Xnest releases (similar to
Xwayland's ones).

have fun,
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Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult
Free software and Linux embedded engineering
info at -- +49-151-27565287

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