Does anyone still feel strongly about -Wdeclaration-after-statement ?

Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult lkml at
Thu Aug 15 13:09:36 UTC 2024

On 15.08.24 10:15, Matthieu Herrb wrote:

> There have been enough security issues in the past in this area (and I
> sure there are still a lot waiting to be "discovered", because there
> is no currently active effort beside yours to and the work by ZDI to
> audit and fix issues actively.

Well, that's also a reason why I'm doing this work :)

There're certian areas (eg. xkb) where I really had to do lots of
debugging to understand what it does (pretty complicated) and finally
found much simpler (and easier to read) solutions. And also found some
bugs. One of the things that refactoring is good for :)

> But I'm lacking time to be helpful and I hate when a change breaks on
> the system for which I'm maintaining the X.Org stack (OpenBSD) and
> this costs me even more time...

Sure, but if those things break, you won't be the only one noticing it.

Apropos OpenBSD: we really should add it to our CI. Right now that's
tricky as we'd somehow have to run the installer first. Maybe you could
convice the project to publish CI images ?

OpenBSD is also supported by my xorg testing ground (found a bunch of
bugs that way). Maybe you like to give it a try.

Maybe that all would be less of a problem, if we focus on the trivial
changes first (I'm trying hard to make the patches as simple as
possible, thus more but easier to digest).

If it helps, I could split my queues into even smaller ones (with
the side effect that some are based on others).


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Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult
Free software and Linux embedded engineering
info at -- +49-151-27565287

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