[PATCH xserver] os: add an optional offset to -displayfd parameter

Bernhard Miklautz bernhard.miklautz at thincast.com
Mon Jun 13 16:20:46 UTC 2016

Hi Antoine,

thank you for your feedback.

On 06/13/2016 05:40 PM, Antoine Martin wrote:
> I think you also need to validate the displayoffset to make sure it
> isn't greater than 65536 - X_TCP_PORT before you enter the loop.
Currently if the supplied offset is larger than (65536 - X_TCP_PORT) the loop would never
run causing the server to exit with an error. Like:

Xvfb -displayfd 2:59536

Fatal server error:
(EE) Failed to find a socket to listen on(EE)

It would however, probably be a good idea to add an additional error message if the startup fails
because the supplied offset was to high. What do you think about that?

Best regards,

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