BuildingX script from the Wiki

grarpamp grarpamp at
Sat May 22 14:24:59 PDT 2010

> CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=$(( $CPU_CORES + 1 )) isn't compatible with /bin/sh

Heh, should have made that my '5a)', as CPU_CORES and
CONCURRENCY_LEVEL are unused orphans in that script.
Somone probably intended it for the -j[n] argument to make.
Assuming xorg can build safely in parallel, -j2 could be a sane
cross platform default as perhaps most are dual core these days.
I deleted that entire section of the script...FreeBSD.

>  > 6) Regarding building xorg, is this script considered to be:
>  >  a) up to date
>  >  b) canonical
>  >  c) the preferred one-shot way
> I don't know about a - it's not either of b or c, though nothing else is
>  either, as we don't have a single, canonical/preferred method.

Guess I was looking for a general one-shot build script... give it a
work dir, get from repos, configure and build, end up with some
sort of installable binaries/tarballs or a runnable hierarchy already
installed in a PREFIX. The old build scripts I wrote for XFree86 don't
exactly work with xorg :-) Getting back into X and the modular build
has made more up front work as I'm totally in the dark about build
order and dependencies. But as usual, once I iterate and make/find
a build script things will be cool.

>  (Personally I use the script in util/modular, but that's more

I will look at this, thanks.

If based on people's suggestions/answers I come up with something
much different than BuildingX I can post that too for whoever. Thx.

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