BuildingX script from the Wiki

grarpamp grarpamp at
Sat May 22 13:21:17 PDT 2010

Hi. A few things regarding this script:

1) The 'modules=' list contains the value 'resourceproto' twice,
this is not supposed to be the case right?

2) Shouldn't the update_modules() function also [re]build the
macros, as done in the init() function, just in case something
there is updated?
Or since those two functions deal primarily with the repo, should
there be a 'build_macros()' function?
Or add it to the configure() and/or build() functions?

3) I don't see any Bash-ism's in this script, so should it not use
plain old '#!/bin/sh' ?

4) Is there any problem with sorting the 'REPOS=' and/or 'modules='
lists alphabetically for easier maintenance and reference?

5) It appears that the definition of PKG_CONFIG_PATH [around line 9]
is not ideal as it is only used twice [as 'export PKG_CONFIG_PATH'],
redefining it to be a fixed subdir of PREFIX.

6) Regarding building xorg, is this script considered to be:
 a) up to date
 b) canonical
 c) the preferred one-shot way

I've not built X since XFree86 days so this is new :-) Thanks!

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