X server testing

Thomas Jaeger thjaeger at gmail.com
Wed Jun 24 18:23:56 PDT 2009

Simon Thum wrote:
> Thomas Jaeger wrote:
>> Taking non-accelerated code-paths (and crossing sctreens) into account,
>> it seems the most sensible place to set dev->last.remainder[...] is
>> positionSprite, so in-place modification doesn't buy us anything.
> To support Xi2, I think we need subpixel info per slave and master device.

Each slave device has its own sprite, so that's okay.

>>> could get non-zero under circumstances. In contrast, the server is
>>> stuffed with non-obvious logic(to me, at least) depending on it.
>> There's probably still a few hidden bugs related to first_valuator (I
>> found two during the last couple weeks).  But some drivers actually
>> perform the questionable optimization of setting first_valuator to 1 if
>> the x-coordinate doesn't change, which causes xserver-1.6 (I haven't
>> tested this on master) to report incorrect coordinates in XI events
>> (http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=1078454&aid=2807915&group_id=229797).
>> So I'd be very happy with getting rid of first_valuator, but I still
>> don't quite see how you would want to do that.
> I don't too. Simply see what it is actually used for and try to raise it
> to xf86PostMotionP() somehow. Or simply bail on non-zero value and wait
> what pops up :)
> I presume those 2 occurrences could be fixed without major loss of
> functionality.

I suppose first_valuator might be useful if a device wants to post only
a certain set of valuators. We might actually see more of this as
devices (hopefully) gain more valuators (wheel axes, proximity axes etc).

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