Performance improvement shown by x11perf not reflected in GtkPerf

prudhvi raj prudhviraj.v at
Wed Dec 2 23:24:21 PST 2009


I have accelerated fillrect and bitBlit operations in KDrive using KAA.
After analysing the performance improvement using x11perf tool in some test
cases like rect500, copywinwin500 the performance got improved considerably
(20 times for rect500 and 6 times for copywinwin500). But when i run the
GtkPerf tool to analyse the performance improvement at Gtk level there is
almost no difference between accelerated and unaccelerated servers. Even in
some cases related to drawing circles the performance decreased.

I have observed that the calls of fillrect and bitBlit are getting routed
through the Kaa hooks fine for most of the test cases (GtkEntry to
GtkTextView). But for test cases related to GtkDrawingArea no call is
getting routed through KAA callback hooks.

My question is why is the performance improvement shown through x11perf is
not getting reflected when we run gtkperf??

Cant the performance improvement acheived through hardware aceeleration
using KAA would be visible in a Gtk application running over KDrive??

please provide your valuable inputs.
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