Writing Kdrive DDX driver

manisha salve msalve at gmail.com
Wed Dec 12 21:38:03 PST 2007

Hi ,

I am writing Kdrive DDX driver for my graphics card . I am completely new to
xorg programming . In my graphics controller i need to specify the source
and destination buffer addresses to do the acceleration.

According to my understanding (correct me if i am wrong) , application can
create windows and pixmaps (drawables) .Xserver will allocate the buffers
for the applications.To perform graphics operations on these drawable ,
application has to pass addresses of drawables to the DDX drivers drawing
primitives.And then DDX driver will write those addresses to the hardware
registers. I have gone through some DDX drivers from X source code ,

1) but i am not getting where exactly the DDX driver writes source and
destination addresses to the hardware ???
2) If i perform graphics operations on pixmap , which APIs copies it to
frame buffer ???

3) In case of windows , does all the windows are drawn on framebuffer
directly ???? or windows are drawn offscreen first and then copied to

4) And in case of my graphics controller as i explained earlier , is it
possible to use only one pixmap and one window surface to do all the
drawings and then copy that data to framebuffer ???? because i can specify
two source buffers in my graphics card . So can i use one source buffer as
Pixmap and one as Window buffer for graphics operations as source  buffers
for  Xserver ???

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