issues and merge requests

Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult info at
Wed Feb 7 10:47:21 UTC 2024

On 07.02.24 00:59, Peter Hutterer wrote:


>> Closes: xorg/xserver#1631
> It supports that too, but afaik the use of Fixes is more common in the
> xorg repo. In (some?) gnome OTOH repos Closes refers to an issue anf
> Fixes usually to a commit.

Okay, so settle to "Fixes:" ?

Perhaps it's time to write some little document about that.

We already have some things in the Wiki, but seems to be a bit outdated.
I'd prefer having such docs within the source tree.

>> By the way: how to do we handle fixes that might go to several branches ?
> merge it into master, then `git cherry-pick -x` to the branch, file a
> merge request for that particular branch. The gitlab closed merge
> request page will have examples of those, usually prefixed with the
> branch they're supposed to be merged in to make them easier to identify.

Yes, that's the technical side, but I've been wondering about a formal
process on how to decide which stuff should be backported, especially
for bugfixes. Some projects (e.g. Linux kernel) extract them (semi-)
automatically by git headers.

Or maybe have some tags that one can set if one *thinks* something
might be worth backporting (or moving to another branch like Xwayland),
so the corresponding maintainer could be notified and decide on his
own ?


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Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult
Free software and Linux embedded engineering
info at -- +49-151-27565287

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