[Intel-gfx] Partial success - Fixing resume from s2ram on S6010

Thomas Richter thor at math.tu-berlin.de
Mon Jun 9 20:41:24 CEST 2014

Hi Ville, dear Intel experts,

more on the partial resume from suspend for the S6010. It seems that the 
culprit is really the lack of a proper
initialization of the DVO. The minimum sequence to restore the display 
does not require to modify the 830 registers
directly, but rather needs to setup the DVO.

xrandr --output DVI1 --mode 640x480
# without this, access to the DVO is blocked, thus
# all the following fails. The above initializes the
# PLLs such that the DVO can be accessed.

modprobe i2c-hid
modprobe i2c-algo-bit
modprobe i2c-dev
modprobe i2c-scmi
modprobe i2c-i801
modprobe i2c-ismt
modprobe i2c-gpio
modprobe i2c-piix4
modprobe i2c-isch
modprobe i2c-mux
modprobe i2c-core

# Only the following two are required.
i2cset -y 5 0x38 0x34 0x02
i2cset -y 5 0x38 0x35 0x7f

# This restores the old resolution.
xrandr --output DVI1 --mode 1024x768

Thus, it really seems that the culprit is here that the resume operation 
not provide access to the DVO correctly.


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