<div dir="ltr">Hello!<br>I am using Lubuntu 18.04 64bit with a radeon hd4650 video card and I'm using a monitor on vga port and a tv on hdmi.<br>I am trying to enable dpms settings only for the vga monitor while disabling it for the tv-hdmi<br>I did some searches around and came up with this solution: create a 10-monitor.conf file to put in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ with the following text<br><br><br>Section "Monitor"<br><br>Identifier  "HDMI-0"<br><br>Option "RightOf" "VGA-0"<br><br>Option         "DPMS" "true"<br><br>EndSection<br><br><br><br>Section "Monitor"<br><br>Identifier  "VGA-0"<br><br>Option "LeftOf" "HDMI-0"<br><br>Option         "DPMS" "false"<br><br>EndSection<br><br><br><br><br>Section "ServerFlags"<br><br>Option "StandbyTime" "1" <br><br>EndSection<br><br><br>I used the same identifiers xrandr uses <br>I have set a low standbytime so it's easier to check if it works or not.<br>At the moment it doesn't work at all, not even in the tv-hdmi output, but the ServerFlags section does affect the system (as far as I know checking with xset -q)<br>You can find my Xorg.0.log at <a href="https://pastebin.com/5KB16DJ0">https://pastebin.com/5KB16DJ0</a> , where I noticed<br><br>[   27.014] (==) RADEON(0): DPMS enabled<br><br>any suggestions?<br>I tried with xset but it affects both the monitors<br><br>Thanks in advance!<br></div>