Announce: Xorg testing ground v0.0.3 -- adding OpenBSD support

Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult info at
Thu Jun 20 10:10:31 UTC 2024

Hello friends,

I've just released v0.0.3 of the Xorg testing ground kit, which is now
also supporting OpenBSD 7.5.

As like with the other platforms, it automatically detects the host type
via uname and automatically selects OpenBSD as target platform (unless
explicitly configured otherwise).

Currently supported platforms:

* GNU/Linux (apt-based)
* FreeBSD 14
* NetBSD 10
* OpenBSD 7.5

(feel free to send patches, if you're missing one :))

Still on my 2do list: DragonflyBSD and OpenSolaris/Illumos.

I'd recommend all Xorg testing volunteers getting in touch with me
for further coordination and improvements.

git repo:

have fun,



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Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult
Free software and Linux embedded engineering
info at -- +49-151-27565287

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