events, mouse button 2 possible bug?

Steven J Abner pheonix.sja at
Wed Jul 10 15:14:19 UTC 2024

On Wed, Jul 10 2024 at 02:10:15 PM +0000, Julian Bradfield 
<jcb+fdt at> wrote:
> You haven't given anything like enough information. However, what I
> suspect this means is that some other client, such as a window
> manager, has a passive grab on the button, so when you pressed the
> button, the other client grabbed it (causing a LeaveNotify to your
> client), and then released the grab (causing the EnterNotify) and
> passed the ButtonPress on to your client.

I'll buy the window manager! Just to be sure though, could you please 
try attached. It's a quickly butchered base of what I have. When over 
window, just use button 2.
Created/run by:
  gcc -g basic.c -lxcb && ./a.out
And thank you for a response and that bit of help!
And if window manager, I guess nothing to be done but let it ride :(

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