Connecting to a modern Xserver with an old client

Michael K vk2bea at
Sat Jul 22 20:47:03 UTC 2023

To answer Grant's question. Yes, I had added the X ports but I've now turned off the firewall just to be sure.
Here is the wireshark conversation.  I'm not knowledgeable enough to recognize the issue..

1    0.000000000    TCP    60    6915 → 6001 [SYN] Seq=0 Win=0 Len=0 MSS=1416
2    0.000165997    TCP    58    6001 → 6915 [SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=64240 Len=0 MSS=1460
3    0.005196101    TCP    60    6915 → 6001 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=1416 Len=0
4    0.008854195    X11    66    Initial connection request
5    0.008914324    TCP    54    6001 → 6915 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=13 Win=64228 Len=0
6    0.009029932    TCP    62    6001 → 6915 [PSH, ACK] Seq=1 Ack=13 Win=64228 Len=8 [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU]
7    0.009086172    X11    110    Initial connection reply
8    0.009149782    TCP    54    6001 → 6915 [FIN, ACK] Seq=65 Ack=13 Win=64228 Len=0
9    0.017057921    TCP    60    [TCP ZeroWindow] 6915 → 6001 [ACK] Seq=13 Ack=66 Win=0 Len=0
10    0.019632130    TCP    60    [TCP ZeroWindow] 6915 → 6001 [ACK] Seq=13 Ack=66 Win=0 Len=0
11    0.023341315    TCP    60    [TCP ZeroWindow] 6915 → 6001 [ACK] Seq=13 Ack=66 Win=0 Len=0
12    0.083569102    TCP    60    6915 → 6001 [FIN, PSH, ACK] Seq=13 Ack=66 Win=0 Len=0
13    0.083647415    TCP    54    6001 → 6915 [ACK] Seq=66 Ack=14 Win=64228 Len=0

Also, yes the X display is 1 on this server.

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